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Valir Pace: All-Inclusive Care for Seniors

By November 18, 2022January 31st, 2024No Comments

If you’ve been to Trinity Lutheran in OKC a few times, you’ve probably met Sarah Hope-Thomas! She’s an amazing community member and has an awesome message for anyone with senior citizens in their family needing assistance.

Sarah Hope-Thomas Trinity Lutheran Church OKC Valir Pace Program
Sarah Hope-Thomas at Trinity Lutheran Church, OKC

Sarah is a community outreach coordinator for the Valir healthcare team, and she’s eager to help senior citizens learn more about helpful program called ‘Pace.’

Valir’s Pace is an all-inclusive care package for seniors that includes everything from transportation, meals, medication delivery, and access to a senior community center. Sarah wanted people to know that his opportunity can often be available to senior community members who don’t know that they qualify for free benefits, they just need to reach out to learn more and ultimately see if they qualify for free help — as many often do.

When you see Sarah at church, please talk to her if you’d like to know more about this amazing program for you or for a senior citizen in your life.